indicators of old age

I just entered the magical world of hemmrhoids and suppositories. Can anyone think of anything that is a clearer indicator of old age?


I suppose bald headedness is commonly thought of as indicating old age, but I've known folks that started balding pretty young. I've been balding for a while, but that didn't make me feel old in any way near as getting hemmrhoids.


Lao Tou
Staff member
That's actually not really an indicator of age, although we could say it is often an indicator of age related change. What I mean is that while not being an indicator of old age it often comes with changes due to time having nothing to do with any particular age. A simple way to look at it is a majority of people are really reckless in their youth into their 20's because the body is so resilient and tolerant that nothing seems to cause any problem. People don't worry about too much because there don't seem to be many consequences. As you move out of the invincibility of youth that changes and the body starts showing you the errors of your ways, or just what it has not liked all along. If you had a poor diet, or just a diet that did not agree with your particular genetic makeup, it could be anywhere in your 30's or 40's that your body finally speaks up and responds negatively to what you are giving it.

A great majority of Hemorrhoid situations are due to poor or at least individually suboptimal diet, and then either related or independently poor shitting practices; such as straining, rushing, pushing and/or non-natural positions.

The answer in general is to include more fiber in the diet first, but find a balance otherwise things move 'quickly' too often, and it's suboptimal to practice whilst shitting pants. Sometimes fiber is not (the only) answer but it is something you are eating that is actually too binding, too dry, and/or your body just does not like it. Binding and constipating foods can be dairy, eggs, rice, etc depending on your genetics. It's often too much of something that your body just finally decided it was tired of. Then additionally, some people get on a lowfat trend and lack oil. Some people just need more (hopefully good) oil in the diet to make things move, plenty don't consider that.

Finally though, when things are not going well, or just going slowly it's the rushing and straining which eventually causes the problem. That answer is easy- don't. But then at the end of the long and impacted day it's a good idea to get a squat toilet stool to help the situation. The western toilet situation is very relaxing, just sit and relax, but it is not physiologically great for colon health as that normal sitting position (so I am told) folds the colon closed making the whole action rather inefficient (and non-martially viable). This can cause strain where none is necessary. The old school squat may appear to be just a feature of a lack of industrial development, but it is in fact what the body was adapted to for ever. Aside from the fact that the squat habit can prevent inflammation, allegedly it also massages swollen blood vessels back into place.

Take a page from your historic Indian shitters and do it their way while you adjust your diet.
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I wasn't being entirely serious with that photo,but definitely thank you for enlightening me on that,Marin.

I've turned 29 years old last month,but these past few months,I'm showing some minor but noticeable warning signs of balding. I've been hoping that its just a temporary side effect from being in a prolonged deficit,but my weight loss is actually at a pause right now due to current life circumstances (should be able to continue by next month at the latest).

I actually regained a bit of weight so definitely not in a deficit anymore,but said warning signs haven't disappeared. Of course,perhaps its just a case of actually taking awhile of being in maintenance/surplus before the issue fixes itself,but I have to consider the serious possibility that this might be inevitable for me. especially since this is a running trend among male members of my family.

I've always taken my hair for granted. I actually enjoy being semi-bald due to its comfort and convenience and almost always get that kind of haircut. But I definitely wouldn't want this to be a permanent irreversible thing. But of course,that may well not be my choice to make. We've taken some precautions now,I'm using lighter shampoo,etc.

Anyway,moving on from that...

I've been overweight my entire life,but interestingly enough,I only started noticing health issues when I got to my heaviest around 320lbs. High Cholesterol and pre-diabetes. What came much earlier however is the general mobility and joint impact issues. it was already getting bad around 270lbs.

Getting on that weight loss journey and managing to lose 85lbs is easily one of the best things I've done thus far. All the above issues I mentioned have disappeared and more. My weight currently fluctuates between 240 and 250lbs. Definitely still fat,but I hunch I should be done if I manage to get to 180-190lbs since I am weight training. Maybe even 200lbs would be alright,but we'll have to see.

I believe I've read some folks saying that this is actually a blessing in disguise. my family has been discussing several folks they know who died to heart attacks and they weren't fat. If you eat like shit,but you still manage to look like you're in shape,you're unlikely to actually do anything about it until some severe health issues begin popping,and it might be too late by then.

At least,that's the perspective of others. I still can't help but be jealous of folks who can carelessly gorge themselves all day on chips,ice cream,chocolate milk drinks,and Nutella on bread without balloning up. 😅


Lao Tou
Staff member
I've turned 29 years old last month,but these past few months,I'm showing some minor but noticeable warning signs of balding. I've been hoping that its just a temporary side effect from being in a prolonged deficit,

Balding (in men) is generally genetically inherited from the matrimonial line. If your mothers father was bald you will have it to some degree as well. Some of us will be balding of fully bald by the age of 27. It has not much to do with age other than it takes a while for all those hair follicles to die off once it starts.
Upon reading the title, I immediately remembered my older brother joking about my torn quad tendon, that I’m too old to be running around with my 6 yr old nephew 😅

side note:

Its funny but in my scenario I think it was multiple factors, mainly these two

1)Tendons not fully recovered after 10 years of bodybuilding in which I regularly had achy knees (most likely quad tendonitis) after leg days, and

2) Doing an activity I wasn’t conditioned for (jogging) on uneven ground.