Out of the Ring Training Drills


Hi everyone!

This probably doesn't count as a "Gongfu Post" specifically (Maybe there should be a general "Martial Arts" section? Taijiquan is mentioned however in the image I'll share!),but its an interesting training drill shared by a self-defense instructor I respect. I was originally planning to just DM angryclown about the topic,but I think its a discussion worth having with all of you.

Here's the Imgur screenshot I took of the specific conversation (Mr. Macyoung mentions a tweak that slow the drill down a bit,but makes it even more relevant for self-defense purposes),also containing the video to the drill itself in the description:

You can also visit Marc Macyoung's facebook page if you want to see the rest of the discussion in the comments of his post,it shouldn't be too far down his posts:

Interestingly,the drill itself without Marc's extra input is useful in and of itself for both ring AND out of the ring application. Marc's tweak just makes it even more relevant for self-defense. (Being able to get back up if you are cornered while seated)

I'd be curious to hear how many of you here know and have trained with similar kinds of drills.


Here's the direct link to the training drills since imgur seems to mess it up:



I think one of the big benefits of this method, both martially and for health, is that we are constantly in our legs. It's literally the first thing that's taught, and is a constant, forever.

I can't speak for anyone else, but trying to find and grab that root is kind of an automatic thing I do, now, any time I come onto my legs, whether from sitting in a chair or playing with the dogs on the floor, or whatever. Striking while coming out of a chair is definitely a worthwhile practice for anyone who lives a higher-risk lifestyle, though, for sure.
I think our method has more than enough drills to keep one busy without needing to add on stuff that may or may not be of any benefit to gongfu development.
Obviously, I'm just speaking for myself here.