Hello Guys, just opening this topic to share information and question about the future workshop in France, hopefully this year 2022!
I probably could travel, but likely its a major hassle at the moment- repeated covid tests at every step of the way etc, and maybe some quarantine times. I don't know.I guess it depends on the rules with covid, I checked the ambassy website but it is not so clear for me, can you travel Marin?
COVID-19 Information
The Department of State has issued COVID-19 Traveler Information and advises all U.S. citizens to read the country-specific Travel Advisories and U.S.fr.usembassy.gov
Site seems to be blocked by security protocols
Looks like they forgot to update their site config, probably some developer is not answering his phoneSite seems to be blocked by security protocols
I wish! Looks like the Canadian federal government is loosing it's mind. Here in British Columbia, we are one of the only provinces that hasn't lifted vaccine passport. It is bizzaro world up here at the moment.the vaccinal pass will probably be withdrawn soon anyway.
I cannot imagine it will happen in April in Paris, too soon to plan. Any other times that might work?A workshop in April will maximize the chances of me coming